Project number: 2018-1-PL01-KA229-051244


EU FUNDING: 197 994 euro 

DURATION : 01.09.2018. – 31.08.2021. 


The idea of the project is to involve people into voluntary service to provide social inclusion and equal opportunities for all. 

We believe that volunteering can play a big role in social inclusion. Volunteering is open to all people, of all backgrounds and capabilities. Volunteering allows people to give back and feel empowered, while also meeting new people and developing new skills. Volunteering can be a life-changing experience opening new horizons and new ways of communication and relationship.


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Good Network: students from the Polish and Kenyan school make friends

The first meeting of the Polish school with the Kenyan school took place last Thursday within GOOD NETWORK PROGRAMME - YOU TALK, YOU HELP :)

It was an amazing experience for all of us! We were so many miles away and so close at the same time. Different cultures, different countries, different colour of the skin, and still we could communicate and enjoy each other's company! We wish we could see each other face to face or text each other or talk on the phone.

The students from the Kenyan school don't have smartphones and don't know how to use them. Our students would like to text them, but first we need to support them so that they can afford to buy some modern ICT devices.